Make a Gift
A gift to Oakland University International Education and Study Abroad/Away advances student achievement, education, and experience by providing financial support to students who wish to study abroad but may not have the means to do so.
We have established an International Education Study Abroad/Away Scholarship Fund dedicated exclusively to study abroad/away scholarships. When making a gift, please indicate fund number 31002 - International Education Study Abroad Scholarship Fund.
Secure online giving opportunities are found on the OU Gift webpage. To donate specifically to support study abroad/away scholarships, select "Academic Affairs" from the drop-down menu for "Select Category" and then select "International Education Study Abroad Scholarship" from the drop-down menu for "Fund."
Your gift provides a meaningful and valuable resource for students. If you have any questions regarding your gift or the gift form, please call OU's Gift Accounting Department at (248) 364-6110.
Thank you!
International Education
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2889
[email protected]